Better Technology for Better Health Care
Pummonary Function Testing is a complete evalution of the respiratory system including patient history.Physical examinations,chest X-ray examinations,chest x-ray examinations, arterial blood gas analysis and test of pulmonary Function.The Primary purpose of pulmonary function testing is to identify the severity of pulmonary impairment.Pulmonary Function testing is to identify the severity of pulmonary impairment.
Pulmonary function tests are a group of tests that assess the functional status of the lungs and give us information about the likely cause of breathlessness. It measures how well we can inhale and exhale air and how well the gases such as oxygen move from the atmosphere into the body's circulation. PFT's are performed by our trained technician in the PFT lab.
Diagnose diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, ILD and COPD
Find the cause of shortness of breath
Check lung function before surgery
Measure progress in disease treatment
Assess the effect of medication
Measure whether exposure to chemicals at work affects lung function